Reframing Christmas (and free tap-along for inner peace!)

Christmas and the holidays are very different this year. One of the most liberating and unique Christmas years I had was when I chose to spend Christmas by myself, alone. My friends and family expressed concern: “Alone? At Christmas?” insinuating, ‘What on earth are you thinking?!’  (or even … READ MORE

Upcoming EFT & Creativity workshop, London

Growth, Confidence, Creativity: EFT & Creativity Workshop Be great, Be grateful. Sunday August 13th Ace Hotel Shoreditch, E1, 10am-7.30pm. Join me for a day of nourishment and gratitude with uplifting talks, workshops and immersive experiences with PATTERNITY & friends. I will lead a sparkling new … READ MORE

EFT Tap-along to create inner peace

EFT TAP-ALONG TO CREATE INNER PEACE This time of year can be crazy! As nature slows down, we speed up! With this in mind I have recorded a new EFT tap-along for inner peace and stillness amidst the holiday demands. As we hurtle towards … READ MORE

Happy Patterns: EFT Workshop at PATTERNITY

HAPPY PATTERNS EFT WORKSHOP AT PATTERNITY  Rhona is delighted to announce her latest collaboration with PATTERNITY Rhona will lead an EFT workshop to boost your serenity, alter your inner-script and transform how you communicate with the most important person in … READ MORE

Great Expectations (for the holiday season!)

Christmas and the holiday season are perhaps the time of greatest expectation. We expect great things of ourselves and others and we want a reward for all our hard work in the form of the perfect Christmas: perfect food, home, partner, friends and presents… not to mention family members! Whilst it … READ MORE


“Change, when it comes, cracks everything open” – Dorothy Allison In the midst of transition, it takes great confidence to stick to our instincts, stay curious to who we really are, whilst avoiding old pitfalls and people pleasing (phew!). As … READ MORE

Overcome sugar and chocolate cravings with EFT

Woman Diet and Fitness Special (magazine): Double page feature on beating sugar cravings. Rhona features as the main expert and explains how to apply a simple EFT routine for eliminating sugar and chocolate cravings.

Happy Patterns: EFT & Self-Confidence at PATTERNITY

Rhona leads an EFT & Self-Confidence workshop for “Happy Patterns” a collaboration between PATTERNITY, Rhona and wellness leaders for World Health Day. Creating positive patterns of thought, empowerment and personal development. For the month of April 2013 cult pattern pioneers PATTERNITY … READ MORE


Rhona presents a brief introduction to EFT: what it is and how it works and covers a brief introduction to the main tapping points and a tap-along EFT sequence. Listen along here