News, Press & Blog

Reframing Christmas (and free tap-along for inner peace!)

Christmas and the holidays are very different this year. One of the most liberating and unique Christmas years I had was when I chose to spend Christmas by myself, alone. My friends and family expressed concern: “Alone? At Christmas?” insinuating, ‘What on earth are you thinking?!’  (or even … READ MORE


Q: What do Jim Carrey, Tom Daley and Posh Spice all have in common? A: They have all experienced the benefits of creative visualisation! At age 9 Tom Daley visualised himself taking part and winning a medal in the London … READ MORE

Adventures for one

Many of us can be intimidated by the idea of spending time just by ourselves, let alone going on a solo holiday, but what are the upsides of embarking on adventures for one? I talked with “In the moment” magazine … READ MORE

Upcoming EFT & Creativity workshop, London

Growth, Confidence, Creativity: EFT & Creativity Workshop Be great, Be grateful. Sunday August 13th Ace Hotel Shoreditch, E1, 10am-7.30pm. Join me for a day of nourishment and gratitude with uplifting talks, workshops and immersive experiences with PATTERNITY & friends. I will lead a sparkling new … READ MORE

Don’t enter the basement alone!

I often seek out analogies and metaphors, they speak to me because they remind me that the human experience is collective, and this soothes me because it helps me to remember: I am not alone. An analogy I have been … READ MORE