Ever wondered why you always have pretty much the same amount of money, regardless of your job, how hard you work or how you choose to live?
I wondered the same, that was until I learnt about Underearning.
When I learnt about Underearning and started to stop – my life changed. Not just my financial life either. Yes my income tripled. Yes I managed my money much much better. But my relationships also improved. I relaxed more. I suddenly had more time. My creativity flowed. I took part in life more fully. Why? Because Underearning doesn’t just mean living in a financial comfort zone or not earning enough, it affects all areas of our life, creating constriction, a deep pervasive feeling of “never enough” and eroding self-esteem.
Underearning isn’t a name made up by pop Psychologists, it has distinct and particular traits. We are all underearners to some extent or another, so have a read through of some of the traits below and see where you identify….
Undervaluing and underpricing: Underearners find it difficult or nigh on impossible to charge appropriately for their services, creating anger, exhaustion and resentment.
Underearners cling onto things: not fully trusting that life will bring in something new, underearners cling to tired relationships, clutter and outworn and threadbare items.
Underearners find it hard to get their needs met: underearners experience high levels of guilt and shame when asking for or when given what they need or are owed.
Underearners give their power away: via time, energy or things – underearners give things of value away for free, then feel less than and unworthy.
Underearners work in cycles of compulsion/anorexia: unable to find balance and stability, underearners give their all, burn themselves out and then can’t give anything at all.
Underearners never feel qualified: despite studying hard, underearners never feel qualified and have a compulsive need to re-prove their worth, over and over again.
Underearning is about hiding your visibility and talents: for some reason feeling certain that life will hurt you if you really show and expose yourself.
Underearning is a complex and painful way of living and though I would argue that we all “underearn” to some extent or another, sometimes underearning is active to such a level that it is creating real self destruction.
Thankfully there are practical solutions and I am passionate about helping release people from the trap of underearning so if you would like help moving on from these behaviours, please get in touch.